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Kings Financial Disclosures


Kings Financial Consulting, Inc. is a Municipal Advisory Firm registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) as required by section 15B of the Exchange Act of 1934. The contents of this website are being provided for informational, educational, or marketing purposes and shall not be construed as a recommendation for any particular course of action. This communication does not constitute an offer of purchase or sale of any security, investment, or agreement with any investment or debt management strategy.

Some of the information herein may have been obtained from third party sources including, but not limited to municipal advisory clients, the Illinois State Board of Education, Client Audit(s), the County Clerk(s) office(s), the County Assessor(s) office(s), the County Treasurer office(s) the Illinois Department of Revenue, and/or the Regional Office(s) of Education. Kings Financial Consulting, Inc. makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of such third-party materials.

Hypothetical scenarios are based on market data and are not a guarantee of a particular result. Case studies from previous engagements that represent the experience of one client do not imply suitability of a particular strategy for all prospective clients. Past performance does not indicate or guarantee future results.

Kings Financial Consulting, Inc. does not offer tax and/or legal advice. Individuals and organizations should consult with their own tax and/or legal counsel to the extent they deem appropriate.


MSRB Rule G-40 Disclosure: (i) The testimonial(s) in these videos were given by individuals or entities which are engaged, or have previously been engaged as municipal advisory clients with Kings Financial Consulting, Inc. (ii) The testimonials may not be representative of the experience of other clients. (iii) The testimonials are not a guarantee of future performance or success. (iv)(a) No compensation has been or will be provided to the individuals providing the testimonials; and (b) no material conflicts of interest exist on the part of the persons or entities providing the testimonials resulting from the municipal advisor’s relationship with any such persons or entities.

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